Awesome blossoms and cliché walks.

Spring 2016-74Spring 2016-75Spring 2016-76Spring 2016-91Spring 2016-82Spring 2016-81Spring 2016-97Spring 2016-95Spring 2016-87Spring 2016-79Spring 2016-89Spring 2016-84Spring 2016-96I have a pretty firm stance against going to the Tidal Basin while the cherry blossoms are blooming. I’ve been swayed in this for photo shoots a couple times (like here and here), and of course I do love a good 10 mile run, blossoms or not, but I think the last time we just went to wander the basin as tourists was before I moved out here. It’s not that they aren’t lovely – they are. But DC turns into a total madness when those darn flowers bloom. The waves of tourists are insufferable, turning a pleasant stroll into an elbow shoving shuffle. And the parking? NOT POSSIBLE.

But this year the blossoms surprised everyone and bloomed weeks early. Thus, while there were still some tourists who redirected towards the trees, the masses that show up for the festival are not yet in sight. Maybe it is my crazy pregnancy hormones, but I actually wanted to go do the most cliché DC wander, so I convinced James to do an early morning date with me one day before work.

We pregamed the blossoms with some breakfast at Pineapple and Pearls, as I am a sucker for new places and just had to try those various sticky buns. In a true moment of miraculous intervention, we then managed to find a parking spot without driving around long at all, and joined the smallish throngs to marvel at the flowers. James tried to direct attention to the engineering marvel of Tidal Basin pipe work instead of the trees, and I briefly cried over the memory of a children’s book I once read. We became one more of the many people taking bump/engagement/wedding/family/insert occasion here photos and reveled in the perfect spring morning while I rocked all my best awkward poses.

[Sidenote: there were some old dudes fishing in the basin who cared not at all that the festival was happening. They were planted under some of the prettiest trees with the best light and overhanging branches — prime photoshoot spots. And indeed, numerous trios of classy couples and zealous photographers started approaching them…. only to be driven back by the stench of dead fish that the guys had scattered about them. Genius. If you want to be left in peace during peak bloom, bring your rotting fish.]

Sometimes I want to avoid cliché DC experiences almost out of principle. But then I get up early, trek around the Tidal Basin, marvel at the flowering trees and think, maybe cliché isn’t always a bad thing.

Here’s to morning dates, pretty blooms, and spring weekends.

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11 Responses to Awesome blossoms and cliché walks.

  1. fraustrecker says:

    oh i love these pictures! looks like the perfect way to spend an early morning. 🙂 and can i ask where you guys shop for suits? i really like the one James is wearing! cody is in desperate need of one, but i feel like i don’t speak suit language…

    • Hannah says:

      Ok so suits for men are a constant struggle! James gets virtually all his shirts from Banana Republic outlet (we have one here) and these pants (not suit pants- just dress pants) are regular Banana because they sell slim cuts. But the blazer, as well as James’ current fav suit is H&M! Yes, I’m sure the quality isn’t the best. But they are inexpensive, and look great. So if you aren’t in a spot to make a huge suit investment, they have good options!

  2. E.H says:

    You look SO STUNNING, Hannah! And the cherry blossoms are gorgeous, as always. There’s a peninsula off the tidal basin (the name escapes me at the moment) that has cherry blossoms and no one ever goes there. We went there last year (while the crowds swarmed around the basin) and it was very peaceful. Worth checking out! If you wander under the 14th street bridge you’ll find it (although, come to think of it, you probably already jog through there). Anyway… I love how early they bloomed this year. It reminds me of four years ago when we were shooting our engagement photos with a friend. The blossoms peaked March 13th ish. We were so blessed that year to get them in our photos before our wedding! Every since then, I’ve kept thinking that the cherry trees have bloomed LATE. Haha. Apparently, I was just lucky in 2012. And luck has struck again in 2016 with early, beautiful blooms. Your post takes me down memory lane! ❤ Happy Easter!!!

    • Hannah says:

      Ahh, thank you! Obviously I carefully select photos that only give that impression. ; ) I think you are talking about Hains Point, and we LOVE it! So calm! It’s one of my favorite picnic and jogging spots. And I was super bummed in 2012, because they bloomed while I was away for spring break- so early!!!

  3. Becky says:

    You are the cutest! I recall visiting the cherry blossoms as a child with my family and it was crazy then. I am sure it is even more crowded now!
    How far along are you in the pregnancy at this point?

    • Hannah says:

      Thanks! I am 30 weeks along this week, so a little over 29 when these photos were taken…. can’t believe we are almost in the single digits of weeks left!

  4. Pingback: Babes and blossoms. | The Art in Life

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