Pizza with my people.

Spring 2016-1Spring 2016-2Spring 2016-3Spring 2016-4Spring 2016-5Spring 2016-6Spring 2016-7I keep on thinking that eventually I will do some sort of apartment tour of our new place, but then I realize that a) no one really cares that much b) I would have to manage having it clean all at once and at a time when there was good light and c) it would really just become an ode to our dishwasher. Because DISHWASHER Y’ALL. It is a game changer. We spent the first 3.5 years or marriage in a place with no dishwasher, and approximately 4 inches of counter space, which meant that every kitchen project took a million times longer because you had to stop and wash things just to have space to get them messy again. Sometimes James and I just pause in the evenings and listen to the gentle hum of the washer doing all the work, and feel blissfully content.

It is especially beloved when we have company  over, which happens at least a couple nights a week. I love having my people gathered in my home and eating my food. We alternate hosting a weekly family dinner with my brother and his wife, open our home to our Bible Study every week, and frequently have the friends over to watch quality programming like the Bachelor. Nothing is better than covering the table with food and having people pile plates and scatter around the living room.

Last weekend we had all sorts of family in town, beyond the two brothers and one sister in law who already live here. My mom came out for the weekend, as did my sister in law’s two sisters and her (squishy infant!) niece and nephew. We spent the weekend trekking around as a posse of blended families and eating lots of the best things. There might have also been an Ikea trip in there, but I think that James at least has tried to block that out, as his idea of a perfect Saturday doesn’t exactly include an Ikea run with his pregnant wife and mother in law, who both find Ikea supremely relaxing and can wander for hours, while he wants to shove those tiny pencils in his eyes after about 5 minutes. We brunched, hit a museum, and enjoyed a nice dinner out in National Harbor, where I turned into just a little bit of a crazy demon when the restaurant canceled our reservation. What’s that, hostess? You are going to turn a hungry pregnant woman flanked with 7 other people out in the cold? Ha. TRY ME. (Forthcoming blog post: “All the times that Hannah’s overdeveloped sense of preggo injustice have led her into public altercations over minor things while James hung back in quiet shame.”)

But on Friday night, before the busy fun of Saturday, we decided to stay in for pizza night. Because pizza night is the embodiment of what family fun should be. You eat well, stress little, prepare little, and fill your people’s bellies with simple food that everyone craves. And yes, I love me some Papa John’s delivery drenched in that buttery garlic sauce like nothing else. But when we are trying to convince ourselves that pizza night isn’t a total diversion from nutrition and common sense, we love to make cast iron skillet pizza. There are lots of schools of thought on this technique, all of them ending in tasty pizza, ranging from thin crust, to deep dish. Our go-to is a thick and tasty classic pizza, bubbling from the broiler and crispy on the bottom but soft in the middle.

And the weekend is coming. So should you need a meal to feed to the people you love, here it is:

  1. Heat 2 TBS olive oil in a cast iron skillet over medium heat about 8 minutes until skillet is quite hot.
  2. While the skillet is still on the burner, press pizza dough into skillet, with a little more bunched around edges. We love the Trader Jo’s crust dough, but you can also be fancy and make your own. Spread with sauce and toppings. Our favorite combos are pepperoni, garlic, green pepper, and mushroom, or ham and pineapple. My brother and his wife often make a pesto, chevre, bacon, tomato one that is awesome. Sprinkle cheese over top.
  3. Cook on stove top about 5-10 minutes, peeking under edge and removing when it starts to get golden. During this time, heat the broiler to high.
  4. Remove from stove and broil until cheese is golden, about 5 minutes.
  5. Let sit for about 10 minutes.

Then eat it alongside some salad with your favorite people, toss those plates in the dishwasher, and feel pretty happy with your existence.

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19 Responses to Pizza with my people.

  1. E.H says:

    Hannah, your apartment is gorgeous!

  2. abby hummel says:

    Well… I guess I will be lugging les enfants to the store to get myself a cast iron skillet post haste.

    • Hannah says:

      YOU DON’T HAVE ONE YET?????? I am SHOCKED. It will revolutionize your [already pretty rocking] domestic skills. So easy! So little cleaning! [On that note, the easiest way is to fill it with water after using and just set it to boil. After it boils a couple minutes, dump and wipe with paper towel. DONE.] It is perfect for just about every one dish recipe there is. We lug it camping, use it for everything, and it has also given me a sense of security when home alone. Pretty sure it is my best weapon.

      • abby hummel says:

        I get weak in the knees thinking about my swoon-worthy dark cobalt enameled cast iron dutch oven from WS… does this redeem me in the kitchen tool department? And does it help my case when I say I HAVE MOVED A LOT LATELY? 😉

      • Hannah says:

        You need both! Although, yes, moving with heavy kitchen stuff is the worst. But still- go get one now. Mine is just from Bed, Bath, and Beyond, and obviously you probably already have like fifty of their coupons sitting in their car.

  3. Marilyne says:

    Your appartement is SO GRAND!!!!! 🙂 and so beau 🙂 bisous

    • Hannah says:

      That’s why I love my Paris friends… perspective makes it seem huge!!! To us it is basically a palace after our last place, but still smaller than where all our friends live back in KY! ; ) COME VISIT ANY TIME!!!

  4. I concur….your apartment is gorgeous (as I begin apartment hunting). The pictures are beautiful (but they always here). And I LOVE IKEA TOO!!! Can stay in there for hours on end!!

    • Hannah says:

      Thank you so much! Apartment hunting is THE WORST. I cried a whole lot and despaired of finding anything doable, much less moderately attractive. Our new place is far from fancy or huge or perfect, but we love it!
      … it is also basically an IKEA showroom, with the added middleman of everything being purchased off Craigslist, because that’s how I roll. ; )

  5. “…it would really just become an ode to our dishwasher. Because DISHWASHER Y’ALL.”

    This. ALL OF THIS!!!

    Also, one of the hardest things about my moving 700 miles away is not having friends over on the regular. Baby steps.


  6. Eddie says:

    James must work on his endurance. I can now make it at least an hour before I’m ready to weaponize the pencils 🙂

  7. Katy says:

    The moment I saw the pizza in the skillet my thoughts were : must comment for recipe…and then when I got to the recipe at the end of the post I pretty much fist pumped the air (only not really because I’m at work and I don’t want my colleagues to think I’m crazy.) It looks delicious! And I need a bigger cast iron skillet quite clearly.

    Also, I would completely be up for a house tour. I love seeing other people’s houses 🙂

    • Hannah says:

      I am such a cast iron junkie- we have two and I feel like I could definitely use a third if we had more storage space. So practical! I hope you make it soon!

      And I am such a snoop that they are my favorite. James lives in constant shame of my desire to try to look into windows when we go for walks after dark. I like to think that everyone is that curious, I am just honest about it. ; )

  8. Pingback: Wonder. | The Art in Life

  9. Pingback: Spring is sure to follow | Zealous Feet

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