Taking Stock.

Summer2016-11Summer2016-4Summer2016-7Summer2016-12Summer2016-15Summer2016-18Summer2016-29Summer2016-36Summer2016-39Making : Photo albums from our first four years of marriage. I started this project on our first anniversary… and never got around to actually ordering any of the books.
Cooking : HA. I haven’t cooked more than just simple reheating since Henry was born, thanks to the generosity of our friends, family, and church. The endless string of covered dishes that people have brought our way might be one of my favorite parts of new baby life.
Drinking : Watermelon coolers – recipe coming soon!
Reading: Elena Ferrante’s My Brilliant Friend, but when my “maternity leave” ends next week, it will be back to critical sources for my dissertation while I nurse and rock.
Wanting: .
Looking: Back through the pictures from when James’ family visited this past weekend and met Henry for the first time.
Playing:  Bachelorette recap podcasts and the “4th of July” Pandora station that James has carefully curated over the years – American music at it’s finest.
Wasting: Time when Henry naps and I should be doing productive things, but instead I do things like paint my toenails and read magazines.
Sewing:.Not actually any, but I did contemplate taking in the sides of Henry’s clothes since he is crazy long and skinny. But as that is madness, I am just feeding him lots and willing him to fatten up.
Wishing: Both for Henry to fall asleep quickly for every nap wherever I put him, and for him to only want to sleep in my arms.
Enjoying: Silicon Valley. James and I have really struggled to find a show that we like watching together, especially a good comedy. SV, is proving pretty funny.
Waiting: For Bachelor in Paradise to start- I’m kind of over this season already, in spite of my initial high hopes for JoJo. (Wells- I loved you. I wanted you to be the dark horse contestant, à la Jef from Emily’s season.)
Liking: The period each morning before his first nap where Henry and I just lay in bed and converse about the day, even if I do all the talking and he just makes big eye movements.
Wondering: When he will start smiling at us in response to the many antics that we already do all around him.
Loving: These lactation cookies, partially because they are delicious, partially because they work, and partially because when you call them lactation cookies, no one will try to eat them.
Hoping: That I can get some pool time in sometime soon- my pasty self is in desperate need.
Marveling: At Henry’s tiny hands and how the latch onto my fingers.
Needing: Sleep- always more sleep.
Wearing: Whatever fits- which changes by the day.
Following: Instagrammers who live in Alaska. Not sure why, but their feeds have my heart these days.I especially love this one.
Noticing: That my wardrobe is woefully  not nursing friendly and that my hair is falling out in chunks- thanks, Henry.
Knowing: That all the things that drive me crazy about these newborn days will be over all too soon.
Thinking: How thankful I am that August Recess starts early this year, and that means we get James home a lot more.
Feeling: All of the emotions, all of the time, but mostly feeling happy with how life looks right now. I am exhausted, there is so much stress looming on the horizon, and some days I get overwhelmed with the enormity of the responsibility of parenthood. But in the midst of it all, I am deeply happy.
Bookmarking: Information about flying with babies… Henry and I are taking his first trip next week!

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14 Responses to Taking Stock.

  1. Bekah says:

    A nursing friendly wardrobe! Right there with you! As if it weren’t bad enough to be wearing maternity clothes that didn’t quite suit my “style” (broad term), then getting used to a post partum body and wishing there was just one thing in my closet that made me feel good, and then there’s the hassle of finding something to wear out in public that fits, makes me feel good, and I can nurse in. Normally it’s only one of the 3, two if I’m lucky. So much fun!

    • Hannah says:

      I keep on kicking myself for not wearing more plunge necked tops in the past! ; ) My current MO is the shirt-with-tank underneath combo, so I can yank up the shirt in public, pull down the tank, and nurse without my entire stomach and back exposed. But YES- life is a constant struggle of “Does this fit?” and “Can I nurse in it?,” which turns my closet into a Venn Diagram with only a tiny sliver of my closet fitting into the overlapping magic zone. I allowed myself to buy one 2 new dresses (in sale!) just so I could have two things that I feel good in and can nurse.

  2. E.H says:

    My last nanny boss told me that as long as she kept taking her prenatal vitamins (they were gummy-type vitamins from CVS), her hair stopped falling out post-baby. 🙂

  3. You look FANTASTIC!! Newborn baby, whaaat?

    My favorite nursing friendly wardrobe staple? Button ups! I did long sleeve flannel since I had a newborn in the winter, but there are some cute sleeveless options out there too.

    • Hannah says:

      Obviously I carefully curate only pictures where I don’t look like flabby death — of which there are MANY!

      See, I am all about button ups, but many of mine are still too tight across the hips… hopefully that will eventually change!

  4. Sarah Perramant says:

    You know I don’t comment that often (I suppose that’s what happens when you read via email subscription), but…


    And your baby is precious, and I’d like to knit him something for fall. What say you?

    That is all 🙂

    • Hannah says:

      Thanks! I try to occasionally groom what little of it is remaining as these hormones make it fall out!

      And YES- Henry would love a knitted special something!

  5. Sarah Perramant says:

    Also, you should wear teal all the time!

  6. Meghan says:

    I’m sure you’ve probably already caught this, but there’s a fantastic TED Radio Hour about growing up and modern day parenting. It’s fantastic and especially in this stage of life. If you haven’t heard it yet, enjoy!


  7. Pingback: Taking stock: the inconsequential things that make my Summer days. | notes "just so"

  8. Pingback: Taking Stock. | A Girl Named Logan

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